Sunday, 16 September 2018

Upgrading Qlik Sense


Upgradation Qlik Sense From one version to another version & Impact on System of Upgradation On Live Server


Necessary steps before Upgradation

Before starting with the Upgradation on the Prod. Server, you must have the backups of all the QVDs, QVFs, Extensions, Widgets, .CSS file, the hub.js file and if you           have used the am Combo Chart extension, then the File(amCombo.js) with you.(you can find the am Combo.js at this location-"D:\StaticContent\Extensions\amCombo"
 [We have installed Qlik sense in the D driive, the location of the js file might differ on the basis of the Drive you have used to install Qlik Sense])

Taking backups from time to time is really important, because if your upgradation fails due to some issues, then you have an option of making the Prod server Live with the previous version only and with all the backups, that wouldn`t take much of your efforts and time.


Backing up of your Repository

Use this command to get the backup of Repository Database
"D:\QlikServer\Repository\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\pg_dump.exe" -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -b -F t -f "D:\Backup_Certificate_Repository\QSR_backup%mydate%.tar" QSR 

Do the changes for location according to your setup.

This code can be used to get the automated backup of Qliksense Repository database backup on daily basis.

Make a batch file using TXT  File and Schedule it using Task Scheduler


SET PGPASSWORD=Put Your Password Here
SET mydate=%DATE:/=-%_ %TIME::=-%
@echo off %mydate%
"D:\QlikServer\Repository\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\pg_dump.exe" -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -b -F t -f "D:\Backup_Certificate_Repository\QSR_backup%mydate%.tar" QSR


*here PGPASSWORD is your Postgre database password

Backing up of your Certificates

Click On:-


Start with Upgradation

1 Download the Nov. Version (Patch 0) of Qlik Sense Enterprise on the Production Server.
2 Double click on installtion file to start the installation, you will see an Option on the screen to "Upgrade" the Qlik Sense Version. 
3 Click on the "Upgrade" Button, and the Upgradation would start. 
4 This might take 20-30 minutes to complete the upgradation.
5 When the Upgradation is complete, Open the Qlik Sense Hub and QMC to verify Upgradation.
6 You will notice all the QVFs in the Hub, Open your App and browse through it.
7 You will notice, that all the extensions and widgets are absent in your app.
8 Now, import all the used Extensions and Widgets one by one and check the functionality of the app time to time to note if any errors/ issues persists?
9 After all the widgets and extensions have been imported, browse through the app to see if the application is working fine?
10 If everything works out fine, then you have successfully Upgraded the Qlik Sense Version.

Noticed Changes After Upgradation

1 All the CSS changes in your application have been reverted, i.e all the CSS changes have been removed after the upgradation.

NOTE You cannot replace the new .CSS file the backup of the CSS file, because if you would compare the CSS files of the Sept. Version and the Nov Version, you would notice a lot of new changes in the Nov Version. So the advise here is to make all the CSS changes one by one Manually in the new .CSS file.

2 If you have made some changes in the hub.js file, like making the application open up in the same tab instead of a new tab everytime, then such changes would no longer exist in your hub.js file.

"Go to C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Client\hub and make a backup copy of the file hub.js

Right click on notepad.exe and open as an Administrator 
(must be opened as an admin in order to same modifications; if not you will 
be asked to rename and save as a different file)

Open the original hub.js file and make the following modification
ctrl + f to find the words """" in the line 
""openApp:function(a,b,c){var d;d=c?e.buildUrl(!0,""sense"",""app"",a,""noData"",""true""):
{b?""Remove ""b?"" and ""b?"" and 
save the file

The line should read ""openApp:function(a,b,c){var d;d=c?e.buildUrl

after the modification
Restart the Sense services, clear the internet browser cache, and then test"

It is advised to make all the changes manually again. 

3 The js for the am combo extension wont work, if you have a published application and you login it through an outside authentication page. This happens, because the js script requires a header in its script, so that the authentication page could allow it to pass through it and thus could be shown in the published app.

"paths: {
""amcharts"": ""/header/extensions/amCombo/library/amcharts"",
""amcharts.serial"": ""/header/extensions/amCombo/library/serial"",
""amcharts.theme.dark"": ""/header/extensions/amCombo/library/dark"",
"""": ""/header/extensions/amCombo/library/black"",
        ""amcharts.theme.chalk"": ""/header/extensions/amCombo/library/light"",
        ""amcharts.theme.light"": ""/header/extensions/amCombo/library/chalk"",
        //""amcharts.theme.patterns"": ""/header/extensions/amCombo/library/patterns"""

If this header is not provided in the js, then the Published App would throw an error of "Invalid Visualisation" in places of the am combo extension used and, whenever you would toggle to the sheet where this extension is used, a login pop would appear everytime.

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