How to clear the cache used by QlikView Server
The cache is handled automatically by QlikView Server and should not be cleared manually. However in some situations there might be a reason to clear the cache on a regular basis, typically once a day.
The first and obvious way to clear the cache is to restart the QlikView Server service. This can be donemanually or through a scheduled stop & start of the service using the command netstop & netstart.
net stop QlikViewServer
net start QlikViewServer
Another option is to add the following entry in the [Settings 7] entry in the settings.ini file for QlikView Server,located in %ProgramData%\QlikTech\QlikView Server:
[Settings 7]
The value set is the number of times per day the cache will be cleared, syncronized at midnight. A value of 1will clear the cache once per day at midnight.
Attention: Clearing the cache may lead to increased response times from the user's perspective. Use withcaution!
Thank you so much for putting up such a descriptive and informative post. Its really important to learn and understand QlikSense and its related aspects.
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