Thursday 25 April 2019

How to clear the cache used by QlikView Server

How to clear the cache used by QlikView Server

The cache is handled automatically by QlikView Server and should not be cleared manually. However in some situations there might be a reason to clear the cache on a regular basis, typically once a day.

The first and obvious way to clear the cache is to restart the QlikView Server service. This can be donemanually or through a scheduled stop & start of the service using the command netstop & netstart.

net stop QlikViewServer
net start QlikViewServer

Another option is to add the following entry in the [Settings 7] entry in the settings.ini file for QlikView Server,located in %ProgramData%\QlikTech\QlikView Server:
[Settings 7]

The value set is the number of times per day the cache will be cleared, syncronized at midnight. A value of 1will clear the cache once per day at midnight.

Attention: Clearing the cache may lead to increased response times from the user's perspective. Use withcaution!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for putting up such a descriptive and informative post. Its really important to learn and understand QlikSense and its related aspects.

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